Nurture your physical wellbeing

Yoga, Pilates and Nutrition

Yoga & Pilates

Come practice yoga and/or pilates with me!

For live classes, visit Balanzs in the Hague, or join me any place, any time, online on EkhartYoga.

Private yoga sessions, either in person or online, may be available upon request.



Food is massively important. What you eat changes not only your body, but also your brain, your mental health, your sleep, and your emotions. It’s not about eating just to look a certain way or eating strictly for a short period of time only to fall back into bad habits later. We are looking to eat to feel amazing! Eat to support the life that you want to live, and to help you feel the way that you want to feel, all around, all the time.

Often, we know quite well the changes that would be good for us to make, but we get stuck in the actual implementation of these changes.

Alternatively, we might be caught up in using food as a cover-up or coping mechanism, making it more difficult to let go of certain ‘comfort foods’ or eating habits. In that case, the biggest transformation might be found in exploring the root causes of emotional eating, and healing at the source, as well as learning more supportive ways to deal with emotions, rather than dealing with the secondary symptoms.

Private nutritional coaching is a wonderful way to help you make the best choices for your body and lifestyle, as well as working with any underlying food-related emotional patterns.

Yoga taster

18 minutes to wind down? Join me in a stress-relieving musical flow.